The Edge.
There was a time I was afraid.
Trembling fists, I stood at the edge of a cliff swallowed by a vast gaping hole in front of me.
Yet greater still was the gaping hole that screamed inside of me.
But now, now my hands rest gently by my side.
They let go and in the giving I was revived.
I was as a tree surrendering leaves to stay alive.
Oh surrender, sweet surrender.
Were you not a friend of mine I would never have survived.
I’ve seen things I never should have.
The death of hope has been at my door.
In a broken bleeding place
I held the shame that marked my face with clenched fists shaking at the skies.
But surrender, sweet surrender
I let go and I dove into that vast gaping hole.
And when I dove I flew.
And when I flew I knew I had made it.