Parental Involvement
Helicopter Parents have not allowed their children to grow up knowing failure and this has created a generation of kids who are not resilient. As a result of helicopter parenting, students (upcoming freshmen in college) were not as stress tolerant as they used to be. Due to helicopter parents coddling their children it has reduced the amount of work effort their children put into regulating and challenging themselves. Helicopter parents hover over their child’s academic work in order for them to succeed. This leaves the child unable to bounce back from failure and go on to succeed independently in the future.
Students entering into the adult world with parents that hover over them are less likely to be able to cope with stress. A few parents took their need to be over involved farther into their child’s school life. This escalated into wanting frequent updates from their child’s academic teachers.
“High school teachers received irate text messages from parents protesting an exam grade before class was even over. ( Gibbs pg.3)"
The students need to be able to experience stress first hand in order to learn how to cope with its affects. A coping mechanism would give the students a better chance to better themselves academically. This would also help the students not give up quick, and so easily when stressed out in general. Many colleges were concerned that the upcoming freshmen would not do well when in stressful situations...
I have not completed my paper. I am not quite done making my other two points. I wanted to share a small piece with you here on Prose. I put the in text citation but when I post the rest I'll add the work cited. Hope you enjoy, and give me any feedback you have on what you read.