Man’s Rejection (Villanelle)
Man’s rejection is God’s protection
sometimes, from how you view yourself.
There is nothing worst than self-deception.
A woman viewed the masculinity of men with a wrong perception,
trying to participate in gender conversation without awareness of herself
Man’s rejection is God’s protection
from the tendency to push the button of mass self-destruction,
a weapon that mutilates the mind and engulfs.
There is nothing worst than self-deception,
it is almost impossible to help the individual without an abjection.
Its worst than a cancer eating away at your health.
Man’s rejection is God’s protection,
but you have to let go of pride and take correction.
You read others with precision, but have ignored “You,” a dusty book on your shelf.
There is nothing worst than self-deception.
Wake up! Smell the coffee and look at your reflection,
you are only hurting yourself.
Man’s rejection is God’s protection.
There is nothing worst than self-deception