Variations, op. 3
You can’t even make an omelette when you have the eggs! (useless..)
You make omlette, you break omelette, you try again.
You can’t make souffle without breaking some eggs.
“can’t make an omlette” they said “can’t build a flying machine” they said. I showed them a flying omelette.
the omlette does’t fall far from the egg shell.
What came first; the omlette or the “can’t make an omlette” saying?
He who breaketh thy egg, may knowest to cobble an omelette.
You can’t make an Jueuvos Rancheros without breaking my heart.
Broken, a mere shell, he turned to omlettes in the end.
Eggs, are not enough. man needs more substance.
The egg man broke down, told me he was also the walrus, ku ku kachoo.
The eggs are on the make. wanting to break me and Mr. Omlette.
It is a disaster waiting to happen, the way you are frying those unbroken eggs.
Why buy the eggs if you can eat the omlette for free.
Another culinary hurdle eliminated: the zipper-egg.
you can break an omlette, easy. but can you make an egg?!
You can put 13 eggs in a 12 egg carton. just break them.
breaking people-evil. breaking eggs-breakfast.
you can’t make a metaphore without breaking a “like”.
you can’t finish things like this. the broken egg must stand.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking out in a fit.
You can’t even break an egg without help.
without eggs, you will be a Can’thy.
you can’t eat the same omelette every day, Mr. Eggman.
Broke my heart, now you are making an omelette.
you can’t unbreak an egg, but you don’t have to make an omelette.
you can make a fried egg, but you can’t make an omelette without bacon.
there are those that break eggs and those that burn omelettes.
the world is your egg, and you just just made an omelette.
eggs of the world, unite! break those chains!