Ringing, a constant ringing in my ears and I begin to wonder what silence feels like. What does it sound like?
It's nearly impossible for one to escape the noise. As we carry that noise in our thoughts.
Sounds for a fast paced life of work and progress.
Sounds for the racing mind, ringing with worries and ambition.
Noise, never content with the gifts we are given and always searching for answers to our questions.
Could silence be for those who have grown old and wise? Who know when the quiet is right?
Sounds to spread lies and misinformation; or sounds for excitement, cheer, and celebration.
Ravenously consuming all the sounds, as if they are fleeting. Never taking the time to hear nothing.
Perhaps only the wise know that nothing can be something.
Is it reserved for only those who have passed on? Does it feel like the reminicence of past times?
Feelings of sadness, grief, a mournful quiet searching for lost loved ones.
Feelings of nostalgia, the quiet allowing one to reflect.
Or maybe silence is reserved for the silenced.
Silenced by fear of standing out.
Silenced by oppression.
Silenced by the societies that claimed to be free but speaking out leading to punishment.
A moment for those whose voices were taken.
Surreal silence maybe it's found in a dream or rather a nightmare.
The quiet first peaceful transforming into desperation for sound, music, connection. Filling the hole with unspoken terror.
The absense of sound in a loud world might open a new perspective. Scary at first but soon accepted. Maybe it brings a new light that's reflective.
A little bit of explanation. I have had ringing in my ears for as long as I remember. When I was younger maybe 4-5 I remember the ringing making me feel trapped and unallowed to speak. I eventually realized that I could talk.The ringing used to be intermitent but now its constant and the only time I don't hear it is by drowing it out with sound. I've always wondered if people can really hear nothing (assuming they aren't deaf) or if there is too much noise in this world to do that. If there is a real silence, would that be masked by thoughts? Maybe this curiosity is morbid, I'm not really sure.