Da Feud
There were the Hatfield's and McCoy's, the Clinton's and the Trump's, but there hasn't ever been a fued like this feud between the Knicks and the Knacks.
It started over a hundred years ago.
The Knicks and the Knacks once upon a time were close friends and neighbors until one day when young Knick Paddywack gave the Knack's dog a bone, which the dog loved so much he went to live with the Knicks, thus leaving the Knacks home.
Threats were made, even shootings commenced, for Knack Pollyflat wanted her dog back home but couldn't find the right kind of bone to entice her dog back home.
Who would have ever thunk a bone could be the cause of a dog going away from home so Paddywack could have a pet, and Pollyflat would be without for it was the only dog in the county, and even the Knacks even put out a bounty to have the dog back home, poor Pollyflat was ever so alone.
This went on ten years straight until one day in the middle of May, of which no one knows the day, it's been said a truce had been made and the only way to have the dog back home was a marriage between Paddywack and Pollyflat and that seemed to settle that.
Now the Knicks and Knacks are friends once more and Paddy and Polly have wacky and flatty kids for they don't want a dog.
Now you know how the TV show Family Feud got its name.