Nothing scares an emerging author like that of the blank page that is before you. Whether it be digitally on the computer screen, with your word document enlarged with nothing but the input cursor blinking in anticipation; or the inkless white paper that patiently waits under the pen or pencil you bought just for the very purpose of writing.
I am but a person with imaginations running wild, but the pen does not seem to be appropriate enough for the wonders in my mind, nor the keyboard that invitingly clatters when I place my fingers on them.
Gibberish, I tell you. That is all that comes when the plastic of my black keyboard clatters when I type, the strokes of my favourite gel pen that graces the sheets, all produce gibberish.
What’s worse is the blank that comes to the mind. It’s the most terrifying occurrence to a person whose liveliness is dependent on the madness that erupts in his or her realms in their heads.
With that blank, I have come to many discoveries.
The gibberish are but warm ups for greater madness to emerge.