build it word by word ...whatever this in your heart inspires
The Architecture of my Life
Built solidly,
Upon a foundation of love,
Nourished with years of compassion,
I quickly grew
My walls expanded,
Until I was no longer so little
My exterior, normal, unassuming,
Hid the flawed interior within
I suffered losses here and there,
Shed the innocence of childhood,
As I viewed the ways of the world
It was what most adolescents go through
It was only the last few years
That wrecked my interior so
Familial issues, stemming from addiction,
Took root
My mind, my heart, my soul
All battered from the ensuing struggle
Days of depression,
Feelings of hopelessness,
A sense of being lost,
With no stars to point home
This temple of mine
Has undoubtedly weathered some,
But just like any sturdy house,
It continues to stand tall