Most people by now know that I've made death my theme for January ... in doing so, I thought of this ... we have no clue when, where or how Death will come for us when it's time, but if it could speak to you, what would Death say
Poem, Prose or short-story ... What would the Devil say to you ... tag me in the comment section this way: @Danceinsilence ... otherwise I won't know you have done this.
If death came calling
If Death came calling
Would you answer the door?
Would you call for it yourself?
Would you try to run?
You can escape the pain,
I learned long ago,
Let it run over you and leave you,
But you should know if you do this,
You sacrifice
Your sanity
Your love
Your will to live
Your meaning
Your happiness
You may even lose what some consider
The “ultimate sacrifice”
Your life.
And after all is said and done,
If Death came calling
Would you answer the door?