What I really wanted to ask was...
Write something that uses this phrase in it - prose or poetry, however it speaks to you. Please tag me @dctezcan in the comments so I find it to read!
| conflictive perception |
What I really wanted to ask was...Have you ever wondered that all our thoughts, we think we can trust in, are perhaps just an illusion of our weird mind construction?
Intellectual game:
Every stimuli you receive, you simply interpret the wrong way round?
Every truth is actually a lie and vice versa?
Every 'yes' a 'no'?
Our shut-eyes the awareness part of our human being and the awake phases are the recovery of our stressed out, lost minds?
But you happily live on this planet, persuiting of a 'normal' life...
...and no one ever recognizes?
Then you can say 'I am free.'.