I wonder sometimes why people were put on the earth. We serve no purpose in the natural world. All we bring is death and destruction to ourselves and the world. our life is spent serving the higher ups. Just like puppets having their strings pulled mercilessly, neverending piles of debt and work, and unfulfilled dreams. Why must we all have such wishes to accomplish so much, while in actuallity we are ursurped by the rich and greedy for all of the things we want to be. Life is a rollercoaster ride on which we trully have little effect. People think that we are in control, that we are our own gods. There is no such thing as god as far as I can tell. Yet something other than us are constantly pushed and shoved by something greater than ourselves, so is there something bigger than us? If there is why does it let us tear ourselves apart when we could be working towards something greater, and if i a supreme being does exist, why doesn't he make himself prevelent. Anyways tell me what you think about life and what it means if you read this message.