Entering & Leaving
write a poem or series of poem which reflects either, or both, of these ideas- the feelings associated with them, etc. any style. tag me in the comments @dream.
one and the same...
an instant
is all it ever takes
for love to enter in
to still the heart
to tremble knees
make butterflies begin
a gentle assault
within my soul
send logic out the door
and clouds to circle
’round my brain
so sense is mine no more.
a flash
is all it ever takes
for love to say farewell
to still the heart
to tremble knees
make butterflies be still
a brutal assault
upon my soul
send logic out the door
and clouds to darken
my mind, my brain
so sense is mine no more.
as it begins
so too it ends
without a hand from me
love enters in
love says farewell
as I must say to thee.