The Written Wolf
Hey there, I'm Leo. I'm a pretty average military veteran who is going back to school. I struggle with civilian life since it seems so foreign nowadays. I'm a lifelong introvert with extrovert tendencies in certain situations. I've been writing for almost all of my life, with haikus being the first real attempts at creative writing around five or six. I have a hard time trying to connect to most people since I have such a broad knowledge, and seem fairly intimidating in stature and verbiage. I tend to be sarcastic and often has my jokes lost to the wind since many of them are eclectic to modern culture. I'm honest to a fault, and always do the right thing, even if it happens to be the wrong way to do it. I'm quick to stubbornness and have a hard time conveying my point of view to many. I've mostly been an only child, brought up by books and movies which lead to positive role models in surreal situations. I often daydream of becoming some kind of research scientist or entrepreneurial inventor. I always have a very stern look on my face, as though I have a lot on my mind, but my face is actually just contorted to being taken seriously in the military. I work harder than I should, and complain very infrequently if my working conditions aren't up to par. I'm very nice, too sweet, and often too giving. I'll be your best friend, if you can deal with my corny jokes and near constant movie quotes.