My Achilles Heal
Everyone has a weakness, a thing before which their defences plummet and they are transfixed and powerless.
Mine is Chanade, my best friends four year old daughter.
I once was left in charge of the house to babysit while mom and dad went out for a meal. Immediately she took full charge and, sensing my weakness, proceeded to trash the living room.
She released the hamster from its cage (whereupon the fortunate rodent took off into one of the bedrooms), the goldfish had an ice lolly, every toy and jigsaw had to come out and, to polish off the demolition, out came the paintbox.
When they returned from their night out I was traumatised and painted, the hamster was upstairs chewing through a bed leg, the water inside the goldfish bowl was creamed and Chanade had painted hand marks all along the wall.
I was never left in charge again.