Challenge of the Week CX
A Time of Triumph. Perhaps it's a small victory, an itch scratched. Perhaps it's the conclusion to a long and arduous struggle. Write about triumph. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Break the Spell
All sublunary proclivities are spellbound by religiosity
A gradually implied subliminal suggestion
To metastasize an unseen authority in celebration
Culturing a fervor for acceptance
And a virtuous submission for some greater good
Imprinting a genetic predisposition
Of subservience
To an occult egregore that casts a shadow over mankind
The masses emboldened by slave languages
Successfully and seamlessly
An indoctrination of countless generations
Under the rule of hierarchical psychopathy
The effects of this accursed Human condition radiates dissenting voices in a growing cadence
To unchain the creative spirit of humanity and step into tomorrow, together
Is why We shed these skins