What makes me happy
Waking up before the sun,
watching my husband rest,
my son’s smile and energy
living life with such zest;
dancing in the bathroom
in the kitchen or the yard,
singing in the shower
in a store or in the car;
laughing at silly jokes
or even nothing at all,
giving and receiving hugs,
getting an unexpected call;
making someone smile
who really wants to cry;
giving a little hope
to help someone get by;
hiking up mountains
the silence that ensues,
the sky in all its splendor,
the myriad glorious views;
piercing sounds of violins,
songs that touch my heart,
books that engage my mind,
beautiful works of art;
writing a piece that I like,
painting something, too,
drawing halfway decent,
learning anything new;
all the family together
around the dinner table;
making everyone’s favorites
the best that I am able.
In sum, these little things
and many more I’d say
make me so very happy
each and every blessed day.