Night Star.
I heard the sound of gentle laughter.
It seemed to be coming from some location close to the window.
Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to find the source of the noise.
Uh, just when I thought I was going to be in dreamland- something had come to disturb my slumber.
I got out of bed and a quick burst of light came whizzing past me, making its way speeding around me— causing me to spin around in circles.
Er, whatever it was~ I wanted it to find its way out of my room...asap!
Then it stopped in front of me and before I had a chance to stare at the bright flying transformed into a charming, sparkling, young lady.
I gazed at the woman in awe.
Hmm, this might all be some kind of crazy fantasy caused by a few bottles of liqueur I had with my supper.
She stared at me with wide, deep soulful~cosmic eyes.
Her feet, which truly did shock me, were not on the ground.
She was staring at me mid-air.
I wondered what one would say to a being they just met for the first time, who’s a star.
When I looked into her eyes, for a much longer while, this time, something flashed in my head.
It was her!
I tried to hold back tears from streaming down my face.
My darling, dear.
The one who I always called: ‘Angel.’
Now here she was, back with me in an odd, magical way.
Yes, it was her all right.
The second I caught her smiling, radiantly at me..I knew.
I smiled back at her, before she planted a kiss on my cheek and turned into a star, as she floated away through my window.
Ah, whenever she was nearby my heart always beat a zillion times more rapidly.
Well, now my heart can rest with lots of peace, for I know she’s a part of the heavenly bodies of stars.