The Foulness of His Wake
Whitewashed. Blackened. Blooded. Cleaned.
Severed. Scarred. Congealed. Stained.
Whispered. Righted. Tainted. Blamed.
Guilty. Hated. Sadist. Game.
Sundered. Spurned. Angered. Fueled.
Bitter. Fitted. Calloused. Cruel.
Lost within a world of dread.
Ripe to pluck his feathered head.
Tarred. Burned. Peeled. Stoned.
Drugged and lashed. Crowned with bone.
Smote. Pitted. Wreathed in pain.
Late to cast the growing flame.
Hungered. Shunted. Kicked and rent.
Dragged. Harrowed. Bowed and bent.
Lifted up upon the pyre.
Cast into the raging fire.
Scoured. Seared. Cracked and emptied.
Crumbled. Ashen. Dried to bleed.
Stilled and silent. Carried far.
To sleep within a darkened star.
Born into a world weak.
Rising from his ashen sleep.
Water dried and light erased.
Dead his heart and dun his face.
Stretching. Seething. Reaching out.
Breathing. Beating. Soundless shout.
Watching. Willing. Wanting sorrow.
Racing toward a dark tomorrow.
Writhing into bosoms deep.
Making oaths he will not keep.
Marking those with branded ire.
Leading with his words' desire.
Lifting up the hollowed hearts.
Enough to tear the truth apart.
Lying. Listening. Sowing hate.
To see his power cannot abate...
"[But] in those final days the heavens shall burn and shall embrace the earth; and the Father of all Darkness shall be scoured from the hearts of man, to be cast away into that unending void, that pit of pits, for which there can be no salvation; and those that follow his word shall be cast after him, to choke on the foulness of his wake."
~Tides of the Covenant