I carry two quotes in my left breast pocket.
One of them from an admirable man
who thought in much the same way I do.
“Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today”
- Abraham Lincoln
Focus and duty was on this man’s mind,
incessantly pestering him to do what was right.
He has my utmost respect.
The second is a quote that one of these fine people
bestowed upon me in a moment when I needed it the most.
“Not every day is a good day, but there’s something good in every day.”
- Alice Morse
This good woman from Worcester, Mass,
who lived some half a century from the moon landing,
has an impact on a young man
who also lived some half a century from the moon landing.
These two people keep my from losing my shit, Lady.
I suppose they’ll do their best to help
when you finally decide to pull the trigger to
put me out of my misery and move on with your life.
I suppose that’s another topic for another time.
I know you don’t love me anymore, but thank you for loving me at one point. I’m not the greatest man to have ever lived, but that’s not going to stop me from trying to be. I miss being there for you. If you ever need anything, I’ll either be in my room, the gym, or studying somewhere. I probably shouldn’t write this, but I love you. I always will.
- Kev