Peaceful slumber, just reminsce and bliss abound.
A stab, a pain, awake.
Retching, straining, containing.
Heart races and panic sets in, can't look around.
Bare-boned, knees against the floor, head in porcelain.
A groan, a cry, alound.
Aching, purging, unending.
Call for mom but noone hears, back to sleep again.
More pain, more aches, morbid agony and releif.
Pressure gone, pressure back,
Pressure wanes and pressure wax.
Distorted chants ring out in head, still no repreive.
Darkness, shouting, crying, and a bucket.
Hands of flame, bones of ice,
head of ash, mouth of mites.
Bundled, carried, wheeled, now a doctor.
The headlights blind me, the doctor ignores me,
the needle scares me, and the nurse annoys me.
One stab, miss. Two more stabs, two more missed.
Wrists like cloth. Threads shredded, my flesh mist.
Boiling inside, water pumped in, an injection.
Burn, boil, release,
drink, feed, repeat.
Asleep once more, tranquil whimsy, purged infection.