Miss you, Star-lad
We blasted off, faster than light -
lifetimes through the void.
We spent years,
with our machines and
long darknesses,
star speckled silences,
nebulas drifting by like lazy clouds,
egos atrophying into emptiness
sadness falling.
Your departure brought us the will
to live another day.
For you our love grows by the minute,
cruel, as you are not in this infinite universe.
Waking, sleeping, three minute songs;
a sailor without horizon.
the day you left us,
The memory sticks like blackness to night.
How long it feels, when we’re alone.
You once inspired, w’thout light or hope
the souls of this intrepid crew;
we yearned to fight,
to earn our stars,
and we learned all of that from you.
I loved you, star-lad,
and I know you loved me too.
So I carve out another mark,
another day,
another chance -
to say
to you.