I’m nervous but ecstatic. I can’t seem to hold still. My leg bobs up and down as I sit in this chair listening to the final instructions. There are so many details! I try to be like a sponge and soak up everything. What if I forget something? Could it possibly be life threatening if I do? No, of course not; I’ll be safe and everything will go well. But what if... Nah girl, chill. Besides, a couple of your absolute best friends are here, and they’re not any smarter than you. You can help each other. Oh yeah. Okay! Now pay attention!
I’m putting on the equipment and this is getting real. I look around and I can’t think of anyone more fantastic to be jumping out of an airplane with. Finally, it’s time. Take off is exhillarating! Kind of like the flight to this gorgeous island, but without the crouded, noisy atmosphere. This atmosphere is soaked in purpose; anticipation; determination.
The guy is standing by the opening I’m about to hurl myself from. Well, not hurl. He’s reminding me exactly what to do. I’m confident. Well, now I’m looking out from the opening, and am suddenly not sure. Every cell in my body is screaming that I should not do this thing! But I have always wanted to! Also, I paid enough for it...
I say a prayer in my head as the man tells me it’s time. I can’t. I will though!
I am falling. Nothing beneath me. Am I screaming? Whooping? I’m not sure what I am doing. My eyes are streaming though! I try to forget the nothing feeling in my limbs and look around at the beautiful lush green island and clear blue sea below me.
Everything I learned comes again to my mind. I know exactly what to do to land safely.
Reveling in this feeling, I feel. I did it!! How long have I dreamed about this?! Thank you universe and island and creator! Everything came together!
I definitely whoop as I land. What a great day!
Skydiving in Hawaii