Is such an intricate marvel.
Just sit and think for a minute how a small wriggling land bound creature with at least one hundred legs can go from crawling on the earth.
Being as undesirable to the human psyche because of the aforementioned to...
Absolute splendour.
Majestically and delicately designed.
Carrying itself like a monarch.
Going through a change which can be seen as nothing short of distasteful from our perspective,
A change so enthralling and encompassing to them (and if we as people understood that in some ways all life starts this way) as well as ourselves.
Once they make their cocoon they liquify themselves in a fashion one wildlife documentary describes as a “Spock like dismantling” - not paraphrasing but you get the gist.
Reassembling themselves.
Restructuring their very composition before reorganising and repurposing each atom in unfathomed ways that it becomes utterly unrecognisable as it’s former self.
A reshuffling of the parliamentary cabinet if you will. And the ruffling of euphemistic feathers so to speak.
So I wondered; has it escaped anyone’s attention that something so fragile;
Some sentient being which would die if we touched the wings (you know because of the whole powder on the top being the very reason why it’s supposedly able to fly);
This very dainty of creatures,
Is able to rest and recline so languidly on a rather large Scottish thistle approximating six feet or find respite whilst in repose on an impossibly wild group of nettles without so much as a rip or scar on its pristine composition whilst both plants have proven injurious to humans.
Let’s consider two matters of impossibility:
Firstly that shift in the composure of caterpillar to butterfly but to be able to withstand such harsh conditions with a dearth of thought or injury being the second!
Reiterate this to yourself.
Now understand by the very nature of the butterflies humble beginnings that being as this is an extremely impossible fact.
The impossible is not possible.
It just exists without challenge.
And is all the more resplendent for it.
A truly ingenious creation indeed.
By way of this fact impossible does not exist,
Rather there are a myriad of potential possibilities.
What a beautiful realisation and self actualisation.
@Danceinsilence # wayback challenge # longest most read poem # 9 months ago