Challenge of the Week CXVI
The Most Useless Thing. Most things have a use, to someone or something. Does everything have some use, somewhere? Or are some things just useless? Write about the most useless thing you can think of. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
What the Bed Thought
Sun soaked sheets caught the smoke and whispers of the night before. Wrinkled her skin with sleep marks. The sheer curtains bounced warm light in after a night of pale moon glow. Two bodies tangled with bed clothes. The arch of a foot resting against toned leg muscles. Rough hands wrapped in tendrils of loose hair. Petite fingers curling around a waist. Humid breath mixing against mouths. And the mattress couldn’t help but to wonder how their slumbering eyes didn’t see what a waste it was to sleep with the other so near.