Cuckoo, Cuckoo
What's this I'm feeling?
This mishmash of feelings that lead me round and round in circles.
This uncertainty that never ceases.
Where did all this confusion come from?
What's this I'm feeling?
This topsy turvy worldwind that blows me up, down, left, right.
This mania that has me craving the most outrageous things.
Where did all this pride come from?
What's this I'm feeling?
This coalescence of all the good things I've ever had.
This joyus song that seems to spring from my lungs.
Where did all this jubilance come from?
What's this I'm feeling?
This bitter taste in my mouth from words yet to be said.
This long drawnout cry of passionate fury.
Where did all this rage come from?
What's this I'm feeling?
My brain about to expload, these feelings being fused together.
The only way to express; start with the crazy eyes and end with straight-jacket.
I can hear it now, "cuckoo, cuckoo."