Different worlds
I sit in bed staring out into a shelf full of worlds, of doors and places like no one has ever seen. I look over them searching for the next one, searching for the next world to get lost in.
I brush my finger over their covers feeling the story within them, almost feeling the words as they wait to be opened. To release the story, to release an ocean of emotions and I find myself unable to let go, to leave a world that never existed for I fall in love with the words of a person that never lived. Their words become a part of me, filling a void inside my heart, their pain becomes my own and their laughter brightens the real world. And when it ends, I take with me the memories of a life I never lived and yet I borrow it’s lessons, I learn from its mistakes and grow from it’s experiences.
I am a reader and I have lived a thousand lives, I have met countless people and I have traveled through time and space, to horrors and beauties in a thousand different worlds.
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one"
George R.R. Martin