We are all people
Sometimes this very question bothers me and I know it bothers others. The topic is so touchy that no one wants to talk about it. So I humbly thank you for asking this elequent question.
No from what I can tell you I am a black female. Do I feel comfortable wrting stories based on other black feemales? Good question me. NO! People are gonna be mad about the things that they cannot control. Everyone is different and writing a story about a particular race is not easy no matter what your race or nationality you are writing about. People should be allowed to write about who they want to as long as there is no bias against a perticular race or nationality. If someone wants to write a book that has a sterotypically loud black girl and her loud black friends then thats fine. I will admit that there are some really loud black girls, but don’t write that all black girls are loud. Some of them are not, like myself. I think that people from other races and nationalitys can write about each other without there being any problem. Actually I very much encourage it now it it 2019 and 2020 is not to far around the corner. I think that seeing where others are at in terms of their knowledge on other people is very important for future growth. With that in mind when you are reading you should take all aspects that pertain to people with a grain of salt. 9 times out of 10 it is not about beaing racist or offensive. That is where we can educate others when they show ignorance. If its not a crime then do it. But thats only my opinion.