Having Something To Lose
For me to explain what it is that I have to lose, I must first break down my ideology. I don’t place much value in tangible items, I’m not a materialistic being. I also believe that human nature is a dangerous thing, so I’m not attached to people even though I do form connections with them. The only things I’ve attached myself to is my dream and my beliefs. They provide substance to me, giving me a reason to get out of the bed in the morning. They give me the resolve to tread forward regardless of the walls I face. For me, losing my dreams would be more than heartbreaking, it would be the end of my existence. I’d be dead; my life would no longer have purpose, so me continuing to live would be in vain. I’ve devoted my entire life into making my dream a reality while sticking to my values. It’s gotten to the point to where I have distanced myself from people in allegiance to it, if it were to vanish, so would I. Me and my dream have become one, we are the same. I feel as there’s no particular order in which this information needs to be presented in because this not only an act of love, it’s bigger than that, yet I lack the words to properly describe it. The ultimate pursuit of good is suiting.