i think that a lot of writers are focused on the fame. the magical, dreamy idea that oneday their name will be imprinted on the minds of children and people young and old. Don't get me wrong i love a good Nicholas Sparks book the heartbreaking romances mixed in with a piece of himself and own struggles in his love life. But i think that along the way with the fame and spot light i think that it slowly takes away from the creative aspect of writing. and writing suddenly becomes more of a job than a passion. suddenly your worried about how your writing will be accepted by critics and how to meet deadlines. suddenly the pieces of you that you put into your writing is muffled with idea of crictial reception. as a writer i can't say that i wouldn't want to be known and have some sort of populalritiy, who wouldn't? but then a greater piece of me appreciates being unknown and being able to write at a pace where i can put a piece of my life into my writing. i guess my writing might be able to be compared with others, people find a way compare everyone to everything and everything to everyone. but i think i'm the type of writer that wants to be remembered for my writing for the few that may know me. i know with fame comes popularity and fame means money but as much as i need money(believe me i'm broke) i don't ever want my writing to be focused on money. it becomes less about creativity and more about bread and butter and supporting myself. I read about writers of old who've all managed to become popular now and in their prime people laughed at them, people thought their ideas were silly and pointless. so i think that as a writer i mainly hope that somewhere, someone will learn to appreciate my writing. Even if that person only arises after my own demise. for the moment if it doesn't help others i feel like my writings have helped me throughout hardships and heartbreaks. it's helped me to cope with challenges so as a writer i try to speak with my own voice i don't try to mimic other writers, i feel like in this small aspect of my life i can be my own person and that's what i endeavor to be; here at least. when i write i try to stay true to myself, i know that i'm not bold barely adventurous so i try to keep my charectar silmilar to myself. i try to write about things that i'm familiar with. if it's not a problem that hasn't in some way affected me i don't write about it. i feel like if i do it's like writing blindly.