Abortion 1
Please hear me out without any scrutiny or backlash.You say that women have the right to abort babies. Yet the embryo is a living premature human aren't they supposed to have rights. I know alot of people who want a child because the couple doesn't have the ability to bear a child. I understand your point of view though, you may have been raped or incest may of happened both are very bad things a woman can go through. Abortion, rape, and incest are all immoral and cause physical and mental harm. We in United States Of America have aborted(killed)60 million babies, not even counting the 1.5 billion worldwide. Only 3'500 have been aborted due to rape. So please explain to me why the rest have been aborted. This is mass genocide and it needs to stop, you want to know the real truth behind abortions it is one of lucifers tools that makes us insensitive to human life.