Cherry and Grape Tomatoes
Cherry and grape tomatoes are disgusting. They make me barf, not rainbows, but the one and only cherry and grape tomatoes. They pop in your mouth like gross little water balloons and not in a good way. Grape tomatoes are the evil twin of the grape. Why would you create an evil thing and name it after something as delicious as a cherry. When I see them on my salad, I cringe. I cringe away from that tomato. My mom tell me to eat them, and I run away, away from the evil of those tiny tomatoes. If you don't run, i fear those little nasties will get you too. They will hold you in their tiny clutches and force you to eat them. They will pop in your mouth. Mark my words, you will rue the day you inderestimated the cherry and grape tomatoes. Dear cherry and grape tomatoes, go away forever and be gone. You are a disgrace to spagetti sauce and ketchup.
Sincerly, me.