Waking Up With Wings
Like the prompt says, give me a scenario where you wake up, stretch, and realize you have two new wings! Any format is good!
He awoke with a start, the sudden twitch against his back jolting him from sleep. As his mind stood alert, his new muscles began to move and he let out a cry.
What's been done to me?? Crap, why did I eat from that enchanted grove!
Rushing over to a nearby pond, he quickly glanced downward and moved about, angling to see better the protrusions on his back. White, soft and glorious they extended on either side - beautiful wings, full of the promise of flight. His jaw dropped as he waved them up and down, the soft beat filling his ears with horror.
Starseeker groaned. "Bloody hell - they ride me enough as it is, now I'm a bloody pegasus, they'll never let me rest!"