I slowly began to slip into consciousness with a throbbing headache,I raised my heavy eyelids halfway only for them to fall shut as I fumbled tying the belt on my night gown."There wasn't one"I thought as I raised my eyelids again and swung my bare feet on the ground.The room swayed causing me to loose balance so I reached out for the wall,my hands slipped and I slumped on the rug with a crashing thud .
I used the bedstead to pull myself up and that's when I heard the toilet flush.This made things less vague and that's when it dawned on me that something was very wrong;for starters,I wasn't alone and I live alone.This wasn't my bed,my bedspread wasn't cream with a touch of blue and wine inlaid with a thick blue duvet.My curtains would never be white,the kind of white devoid of touch.
"Oh...estás despierto"A man stepped out of the toilet and that's when I began to panic not knowing where I was and who the man was."Qué pasa? estás empezando a asustarme...I shouldn't have let you drink so much last night"His english laced with thick accent.
"Yes...yes...last the bar"I kept speaking in low and high tone e as he nodded in agreement.My memories begin to flood in remembering going to the new bar with Shola,Femi and Lizzy,we had a couple of shots but...
"Selena!" He yelled snapping me out of my thoughts as he walked towards me,I instinctively moved backwards bumping into a mirror and a light tan skinned woman stared right at me.I gasped "No way!,This has to be a dream"I stared wide eyed at my reflection."This isn't me"I muttered.My eyes aren't blue,they're dark brown.My skin wasn't light,it was brown;the colour of sand,smooth and tawny. I'm sure as hell my parents won't name me Selena,it was too Spanish for a Nigerian.
"Si esta es tu idea de Una broma ur broma no es gracioso,de todos modos preparate idejamos Tijuana por cinco"he kept speaking this language as he walked out.I understood one word -TIJUANA
"Tijuana! ...oh my God!...I think I'm in Mexico"I gasped.