Do You Want Each View Intravenously Injected?
Fangs of the mastodon-like beast point
down at us with grisly intent...
...Here we are, and if we're not
we're spent...the blood remains...
upon this razors edge of a fence post of fury
coming back to you on multiplying screens
that glimmer and scream as steam rises
a multitude of differing jagged views burst...
Do you want each view injected?...
...just what is the fate you'd choose
the hearse to bring
when you slide along the knife's
white edge?...
...Meet me at the water's crest,
I'll thirstily mist you with some
sanitary bug spray
'til the night owl hoots a screech,
and yanks these golden blankets
off my swollen grave
that aches...
Diving, I fall into your wet thigh...'s either you or I, or both that splash,
but either way we collide and lightening
strikes it's mad note...
...c'mon, and take a well earned bite
out of these fragile moments that have
swiftly ignited and bequeathed themselves
before the many dieties that deign to be
I feel divided, and deformed
under the lights that build and swarm...
Bunny Villaire