Fear of detachment
I grew in a joint family. My generation continuously grew from the previous generation in the family. I always remained attached to the family. I never knew when I transited from the old generation to my generation. The transition was very smooth. There was never been any kind of rear of detachment. Now the system has changed. People started to separate from the family as they grew up. For every youth, there is a separate generation growing outside of the family. If they remained attached to the family, they will remain in the old generation. They must leave the family to be in their own generation. There is a lot of generation gap. The generation gap was also there in the past but there was a smooth transition. Hence, there is a stage in life for present youth that they want to jump to their own generation at the same time they have fear of being detached. They ultimately tend to jump to their own generation. Two generations live separately or even multiple generations live separately in their own generation crossing the fear of detachment.