Fable of Two Eggs
There once were two men who walked the same path.
They worked the same jobs and lived the same way.
One day on their walk they each found an egg.
They looked for the mother but she had flown away.
The eggs were small and speckled.
“How beautiful!” Each thought.
They picked up the eggs up and went on their way.
The first man was so proud of his pretty egg.
He locked it in a cabinet and put it on display.
The second man thought the egg was beautiful but wondered what more it could be.
He loved the little egg and kept it warm by his side.
As the weeks passed the first man’s egg began to decay.
“How ugly!” He thought.
Then he tossed the speckled egg away.
The second man was frightened when his egg began to crack.
But to his delight out from the shell appeared a beautiful songbird.
“How wonderful!” He thought.
And the little bird loved him and sang for him everyday.