Waves of the ocean, colored glass,
The sky above, filled with soaring birds.
In the eyes of my best friend,
The hair of a stranger,
The soles of a runner that crunch the gravel.
In his voice, her weary smile,
The sound a dog makes as it howls for its lost owner.
A contrast to the blaring rays of the sunlight
That drifts through my window at dawn.
It cascades over the nighttime world,
Illuminating the stars and casting a wonderous glow
On the heavens above.
After the rain crashes down
And the sun comes out of hiding,
It is there, reflecting in the drops that span the sky,
A singular element of the miracle it creates with its brethren.
A knowable aspect of our world,
It evokes both sadness and joy.
Versatile, complex, simple, and elegant;
Solitary or a companion,
It is ingrained in us whether or not we may witness its beauty,
And we are all the better for it.