In the looking glass
write a poem about looking into a mirror - what do you see? who do you see? how do you feel about your reflection? about yourself?
A Ghost Between
Hair unkempt.
The ends don't lay as cleanly as they used to.
Or perhaps I've just stopped caring.
Sallow grey beneath raven eyes.
The darkness hides behind.
Perhaps once upon a time
I might've painted on a face.
But I don't have the heart
To wear two masks.
And the practiced smile
Is enough of a chore to maintain.
I've had younger days
When hope thrived to grow
Beneath bright eyes.
When it was the lips I painted
And not the smile itself.
Those days are long since past.
The red is now a different shade.
A shadow has been cast.
I am not as old as I will be someday
And not as young as I once was.
I am a ghost between
The innocence and freedom of youth
And the wisdom and grace of old age.