To live forever or die another day
To live forever or die another day?
That is the question.
Is it noble to endure the tides of time
So that my mind to go weary and tried?
To embrace the dew and honey of life
And to arm against the stampede of trouble
And weather the storms of our times?
To quest, fight, love and fight till the end of days
And worry during ethereal night of the cruelty of these times.
To crusade against the folly of our minds
And to crush weakness of my body.
An endless torment of heartaches and headaches
For the passion of an undying life.
To have joy pulsing through my heart and mind
To take on the toil of endless time.
Endless time for endless change
To take off the oppressor’s chains.
To ward off the poisonous arrows
Of man’s deceit.
The value of a limited life gone
Gone in a instant.
So much time so little life
In my hollow heart.
To die is to live for a glorious end
for our troubled lives.
Let us live for a grand death then
To rot for infinite time.