It's amazing how many people write about the sea
As if they know
As if it has stolen their breath
As if the view made their hearts stop
As if the water filled their lungs
As if the water stole their loved ones
As if they've heard a fisherman cry for his boat
They really haven't seen entire families wash away
Dogs returning back to shore
They haven't seen refuse from the 2011 Japanese tsunami wash up on shore.
They haven't even seen the sea shrink away from shore in that terrifying "oh fuck, that's what tsunamis do!"
The coast is a quiet place, because we mourn for what we've sacrificed to live there.
Some of us can't handle the quiet
Some of us cannot mourn any longer
Your "inspired" poetry means nothing when you haven't stood in a way of waves at 3am
It means nothing when you haven't shouted across the beach
It means nothing when you haven't thrown your pain and guilt at it
It means nothing when you haven't professed your love to the froth and bubbles and sand
It means nothing to me