How do you know?
How do you know something's wrong?
When words
Say you need to be unique
But actions and unspoken rules
State you have to be normal
You have to fit in and don't dare to be different.
When it's no longer about who you want to be,
But what they want you to be.
And because they came before
they must be always right.
And because we are young
We must always be wrong.
When people hurt and hate and get away with it
Because it wears the guise of
Religious beliefs and political opinions
Law is to keep us safe
Religion is to give us faith
Safety shouldn't hurt us
Faith shouldn't frighten us
That's how you know something's wrong.
When a girl says she's "not like other girls"
Because she has been taught to believe that all girls are the same
Because she has been cultured into feeling being a girl is shameful
And being "like other girls" is the worst thing in the world
When girls can wear boys' clothes
Because men are powerful and superior
And it shows she's strong
But heaven forbid a boy wear a dress,
"He must be gay!
He's a freak!
Oh! Woe is me!
He must want to be a woman!
How weak! How shameful!
Doesn't he know that women are inferior?"
When certain people have to feel uncomfortable in their own skin
Because somehow your body is meant to define who you are.
I shouldn't feel uncomfortable in my own skin
My body is not me!
This body does not make me a girl nor anything else!
Gender is non-binary, Gender is fluid!
I should be able to be me without being mocked!
But I can't, so I hide.
I've hidden for far too long and it's time to break free.
For all of us to break free.
Cast off the chains! Tear down the walls!
We don't have to live in prison anymore!
But these four walls are all we know.
We were born within them and we'll die within them
Because we are so afraid of the unknown.
What if it's ugly?
But what if... it's beautiful?