Mythology of a Life Lived Naturally.
Chronus was brought forth of the nothingness with the other Protogenoi. These were the first to exist among the primordial waters, before the Cosmos came to be.
Helios, in his Golden palace knew his purpose, and by its fulfillment, Bios was understood. The natural signs and markers of Time were to ensure all could prepare.
The question of how we are alive and able to ponder our place within the enormity of the unsurvivable void ruled over by Erebus, is as perplexing today as it has seemingly been throughout history and across civilizations. With the realization of our fragility being like that of a newborn baby, protected only by the mothering Gaia, the produce of Demeter and her children Persephone and Plutus, the flowering hydration offered by Tethys, and the seasonal rains of Hyas, we can begin to form a new appreciation of the infinite wonder there is to be had when truly reflecting upon this world which we have come to view as ordinary.
Further, the sole --or perhaps soul-- purpose for developing the meticulous methodologies created by our ancestors’ ancestors, which would ultimately give birth to the empirical sciences, namely astronomy and physics, was to demystify the divine, to know the unknowable, to lift the veil and peek behind the curtains of Nyx. We have yet to realize that the Cosmos can be understood by the intellect of Coeus alone.
With motives in question, we must ask why Time was dissected and denaturalized until it is unrecognizable at (for lack of a better term) times. We might assume that if we recognized and embraced Nature’s form of Time, we would be more inclined to behave in accordance with Natural Life. I believe we can find our answer if we truly inquire.