One-Handed Sentences
"In my opinion, you look jumpy."
This sentence can be typed entirely with the right hand, without moving it out of position on your keyboard. Can you type a longer (or funnier) sentence with one hand, without moving your fingers across the invisible center line?
Left-hand characters: 12345$ qwert asdfg zxcvb
Right-hand characters: 67890 () yuiop hjkl;' nm,.?
This is a highly technical challenge ;) Good luck!
In order to reach the 15-word minimum, feel free to type "cats" (a left-handed word) or "puppy" (a right-handed word)!
No Joy
No look in him,
No joy in you
No joy in you,
No look in him
You look in ink
Million in link
In oil
In pool
In pill
In pink
No joy in ink
No joy in him
Unhook, look in
No him, join in