The word, 'Running' means two things -to run without stopping and doing so with greater speed than is normal. The action of running implies a response of urgency (flight) to a 'fright' (life or death) situation which a person cannot handle on his own or with the resources available to him. The term may apply to a preplanned competition as in 'running race'.
Running has a point of origin (that answers the question running from 'what') and a point of arrival (that answers the question running to 'where'). In a true 'fright and/or flight' situation, what a person is running from, is known; but the point of arrival (a place of safety), remains unknown. However, in the modern connected world, few things remain unknown.
We inherited fright and flight response, a tool of survival, from our primitive ancestors who had to fight cruel and mammoth animals. Luckily, we need not fight wild animals, our survival is not left at the mercy of wild animals or wilderness. Still, we aren't done with the'fright or flight' complex in the form of anxiety, stress, and whole lot of responses to 'fright'. Why we do not feel safe and secure? Are we running from fellow human beings?