Create a Scene--Under 100 Words!
Describe a scene from all angles. Use the senses to transport the reader to said location. You don't even have to put a name to your pace. Just make the reader feel it!
Yes, Again.
As I walk into school, I imagine seeing couples kissing, holding heart-shaped cards and candy.
Instead, I'm seeing black and orange, ribbons being held to hearts.
Not again.
The morning announcements confirm my suspicions:
"...Today is February 14th, Valentine's Day and anniversary of Parkland. Please take a moment of silence."
It has never been so quiet.
No one stands for the flag.
The silence perseveres with us.
Inspired by the stillness, I begin to write:
"Oranges and blacks
will not stop their bullets.
Our silence
will not stop their silencers.
Are guns
worth more than daughters and sons?"