As the World...burns.
When the sun peaks beyond the crest of mountain tops to cast out shadows and envelop the world in brighter vision, when the untamed beasts begin their routines making movement from one area to another, and the plant light blooms and blossoms there will be a growing concern that births itself in the smallest and the largest of "civilized" minds : Will I be pursued to my death by flesh and blood of another?
The texts of any culture will find revelation that although we are the same species and not much varies us other than our thoughts and appearance (we all are composed of the same things, segregated unless removed surgically, destroyed by disease, or removed by force) and yet we always find a reason to fight one another , usually for resource not as just a means to fight...usually. Sometimes it would be written in epic proportion of battles lasting lifetimes, sometimes in a matter of seconds a complete city would be leveled, and sometimes (even in the present) it would take years to decades to millenniums to eventually extinct flora, fauna, and it could very well be of their own kind.
The humankind was and is despicably the opposite of anything kind. There were so many promises made that we would be giving, kind, forgiving, loyal, loving and instead we find reasons to exemplify ourselves and live in the idea that we are gods versus being just as we should be in humanity. We have brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, family and friends and those that are outside of that realm are typically seen as possible evils, intruders, and couldn't possibly want to help the world, especially ours. I fear that we are coming to the edge of cliff, not that we've ever been far from it but that soon bigger choices will need to be made, evolutions taken on in a matter of hours instead of the lifetime. I think we're coming to an eclipse.
I weep for those that have had to deal with the wars, battles, and skirmishes that have scarred them more than physically. I moan for those that have made it their reality to stay blind to these things happening and the reasoning for it. I chose to write this both to remember that there are truly beautiful things in life and exceptional people, and because I always know that there is an evil lingering here forever and it makes me petrified. Perhaps it won't be the nova I feel, perhaps it will be softer than I know. I hope your bright minds paint pictures and wield words to help others find truth and peace instead of them finding their lives dependent on flawed intelligence and distractions.