While passing by a river, I saw my rock on the hill.
I sat, out of breath, sweaty, tired,
the view was vast, bright and still.
I squinted from the light glimmering on the sea
The same sea I’ve been sailing, where the sun reflects its beams
And where horizon melts, the moon peeks.
Now, on a small island,
I watched the light travel through the bushes and leaves,
This wide line, where blue and green meets.
The last hour of daylight passes as fast as the clouds slow down,
to soak in the orange, pink, and red
And while they got their fluffy coats painted
The sun quickly bled,
into everything the sky hosted that evening;
Hilltops, reflections and roofs, scattered around.
A panorama, fading with the sky, turned dark
except for the lit windows dotting the scene.