Lucky day
Guard: (grabs keys to unlock the door) Hey, come on and get up. You have a visitor.
The guard waits for the prisoner to move out from the dark room. He gasps and points his sword at the inmate.
Guard: (shakily) Who...are~ you? How did you get in the cell?
The prisoner laughs and shakes his head. What kind this some kind of jail prank? The inmate wondered if it was April fools already.
Guard: Hands in the air. Get on the ground.
The prisoner decided to have a staring contest with the guard. The guard felt beads of sweat run down the back of his neck. He started trembling and dropped his weapon.
The inmate moved a hand toward her own chin & felt something quite peculiar. She stroked her new beard and chuckled. The magic potion she had been handed by one of the o prisoners had worked.
The guard fell backward and landed on his derrière. The inmate cracked her fingers and grinned. The guard continued to stumble on the floor and half-crawled, and ran away.
The prisoner bent down closer to the floor. She smiled and whistled. Then walked away with the guard’s keys in hand.
Inmate: (to herself) I guess today must be my lucky day.