Stress, and Bad Time Management
What is going on in my mind?
Here I am,
Asking the important questions.
I feel like there hasn't been much.
Just an excess of stress,
Over things I cannot control.
Things I have to do.
My mind's inability to do what it needs to do,
When I need it to do it.
Stress over the things,
I don't have time to do,
Because I am focusing too much,
On other things.
I have tried to push off the things,
I need to do,
For the things that make me happy,
But that fills my mind,
With even more with stress.
It's hard to find a balance.
There has to be time somewhere,
I guess,
What I need to do,
Is to focus less on living,
And more on survival.
But that removes the value from my life.
If I am not living,
Why do I bother to breathe?
It's a little like trying to find a balance,
Using scales,
That started out,
It's not impossible to balance them;
It's just kind of frustrating.
I wanted to be able to do everything,
But I already figured out that that wasn't working.
So I cut down on the amount of things in my life.
But still,
I struggle.
Does it make me weak,
That I still have to work hard,
Just to juggle,
The most minimal amount,
Of work?
It shouldn't.
But I feel like it does.
Replacing a challenge,
With something that requires no effort.
And replacing something impossible,
With things I have already done.
Does it make me weak,
That I struggle to handle even this?
I am so stressed,
Just by the amount of things I have,
Even if the things I have,
Don't particularly require,
Any effort.
I don't know.
I guess,
It's just something I need to think about.
I just need a better way,
To manage the happenings of my life.
But I can't continue,
I am sacrificing sleep,
To write this.