A weird fear that you have.
I'm not looking for arachnophobia or whatnot. I'm looking for things like Arachibutyrophobia, the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. But... here's the catch. Don't put the defintion of the fear. Make the fear the title of your peice and then write maybe a bit of nonsens so the word limit reached 15. Let other people guess/look it up. This is just for fun. Tag as many people as you want but please tag me!! @Famewriter
I try so very hard to avoid the situations that bring forth our encounters.
I’m so scared of getting it wrong.
To look like a fool when I try to merely express myself.
But I can’t simply ignore them.
At times they are needed.
Other times I feel it verging on... Floccinaucinihilipification...
I check and re-check, over and over and over.
I can’t get it wrong.
Lest I be thought of as dumb.